TMJ Treatment Marshall, TX

Welcome to Marshall Family Dental, a compassionate and comprehensive dental care office. Our focus is more than just your smile; we are committed to enhancing every aspect of your oral health. Much of this commitment involves treating complex restorative dental issues like Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders.

tmj treament in marshall, texas

Understanding TMJ Disorders

The temporomandibular joint plays a vital role in our daily lives, enabling us to talk and eat comfortably. This flexible joint connects your jawbone to the skull, acting as a sliding hinge each time you move your mouth.  When this joint faces disorder or dysfunction, it can significantly affect the quality of life. Recognizing these symptoms early could save you further distress.

One of the most common symptoms is pain throughout the jaw and face. Because of the TMJ’s location, patients may also experience headaches and earaches. Pay attention to the way your jaw functions. Many patients experience popping or clicking when opening and closing their mouths. The stiffening of the bones and muscles can make it difficult to move your mouth in certain ways. It can get caught in positions.

It can be difficult to diagnose TMJ disorders because they share symptoms with so many other conditions. You can explain it away with conditions like migraines, toothaches, or sinus infections. An experienced dentist must perform a thorough exam and determine if your symptoms are caused by a TMJ condition.

Am I at High Risk for TMJ Disorders?

Certain risk factors put you at a higher likelihood of developing the condition. Genetics always plays a part when it comes to your body. If you have a family history of TMJ disorders, it’s more likely that you’ll get the same condition. Talk to your parents and see if they have a history of TMJ. This can help you be proactive and avoid things, making you even more likely to develop TMJ.

Age and gender impact your chances. Women are more likely to develop this condition than men. While it isn’t well-known why, it may be related to the hormonal difference between women and men. Usually, TMJ disorders occur between the ages of 20 and 40, but they can happen at any age. Our jaw joint loses cartilage as we age and experiences more wear and tear. Conditions like arthritis can make these symptoms worse.

Stress and anxiety can cause you to clench or grind your teeth. You’re also more likely to have neck and shoulder tension, which can impact the tension around the jaw joint. If you sit a lot at work, be sure to consider your posture. Posture is essential for the jaw joint. If you often slouch or hunch over, those muscles in your neck tighten again, causing tension in the jaw joint.

Another big factor is a misaligned bite. Your bite should be even, with your teeth coming together in a certain way. If your teeth don’t align properly, the jaw joint is put under extra stress. Trauma and jaw dislocation can have the same effect.

TMJ Treatment Options in Marshall, TX

There are many different ways to treat TMJ. Each patient has a different experience with TMJ, and we must understand yours. We’ll talk to you about your symptoms and how these things impact your daily life. If it’s debilitating enough, it can make simple tasks difficult. The dentist will perform a thorough oral exam that includes digital imaging. This allows us to examine your jaw joint and how everything comes together.

For mild cases, we help you change your habits. Chewing gum frequently or eating hard or chewy foods to break down overworks your jaw. Heat or ice can reduce pain and swelling in the jaw joint area. Practice habits like meditation that can help you relax your body and mind, reducing muscle and joint tension. We can also teach you simple exercises to gently work your jaw and lessen pain and other symptoms.

In more serious cases, we’ll use other options. One of the most common is oral appliance therapy. A splint or mouthguard repositions your jaw to decrease tension and pain. We recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for TMJ. For each guard we create, we use impressions of your smile to make sure it’s unique and fits properly.

We may also prescribe medication, such as muscle relaxers or pain medication, to minimize discomfort and relax tension. Physical therapy can also help. A physical therapist teaches you exercises to strengthen your jaw muscles or improve your range of motion. In severe cases, we may need to recommend you for surgical treatment.

What Causes TMJ?

One common cause of TMJ disorder is misalignment of the jaw joint or teeth. When the jaw is not properly aligned, the muscles and ligaments that control jaw movement can become strained, leading to inflammation and pain in the TMJ. Various factors, including genetics, injury, or poor dental work, can cause this misalignment.

Another potential cause of TMJ disorder is bruxism, or teeth grinding. Grinding or clenching the teeth puts excessive pressure on the TMJ, leading to muscle tension and joint inflammation. This can result from stress, anxiety, other psychological factors, and an abnormal bite or missing teeth.

Injury to the jaw joint or surrounding muscles is another common cause of TMJ disorder. Trauma to the jaw, such as a blow to the face or whiplash injury, can damage the TMJ and lead to pain and dysfunction. Also, habits like chewing on hard objects or biting nails can contribute to jaw joint injuries.

Arthritis is another potential cause of TMJ disorder. Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other inflammatory conditions can affect the TMJ, leading to pain, swelling, and limited jaw movement. These conditions may be more common in older adults but can also affect people of any age.

Stress and tension are major risk factors for TMJ disorder. Chronic stress can lead to muscle tension and clenching of the jaw, which can strain the TMJ and cause pain. Additionally, poor posture and other habits that strain the jaw joint can contribute to the development of TMJ disorder.

Certain medical conditions, such as sleep apnea, can also increase the risk of developing TMJ disorder. Sleep apnea is when breathing stops and starts repeatedly during sleep, leading to poor oxygen supply and muscle tension. This can put strain on the TMJ and contribute to the development of TMJ disorder.

Further, hormonal changes, such as those experienced during pregnancy or menopause, can also affect the TMJ and lead to pain and dysfunction. Fluctuations in hormone levels can impact the muscles and ligaments that control jaw movement, leading to inflammation and discomfort in the TMJ.

Schedule an Appointment

At Marshall Family Dental, your comfort matters as much as your health. Don’t let debilitating pain steal away joyous moments. Schedule an appointment with our dedicated team right away.